14 March 2025 07:11 - 14 March 2025 09:00

Concertgebouw Bruges, Bruges

International Conference CCI 2023

On Saturday 9 September, the international conference Critical Care Issues 2023 will take place in the Concertgebouw in Bruges. Dr. M. Bourgeois and Dr. M. Nauwynck of AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Oostende AV are the initiators and organizers of this conference. “We hope to welcome critical care physicians, anesthesiologists, emergency doctors and fellows with an interest in critical care issues to enjoy the outstanding scientific quality of program and the historic merits of Bruges. The conference will offer a 2023 update in the main fields of CCI presenting by world’s leading experts.”

The Itémedical team is happy to update you at this conference on the latest developments in the field of medical alarm management and integration of medical devices with an intelligent brand-independent software link. Our mission? A quieter and safer healthcare environment with fewer unnecessary medical alarms. We look forward to meeting you at our stand.

Find more information about the program here.


Do we meet at the International Conference Critical Care Issues 2023?